On 10/16/2012 12:47 AM, Josh Berkus wrote:
> I'd also love to hear from the PostgresXC folks on whether this solution
> works for them.  Postgres-R too.

In Postgres-R, option 3) is implemented. Though, by default sequences
work just like on a single machine, giving you monotonically increasing
sequence values - independent from the node you call nextval() from. IMO
that's the user's expectation. (And yes, this has a performance penalty.
But no, there's no compromise in availability).

It is implemented very much like the per-backend cache we already have
in vanilla Postgres, but taken to the per-node level. This gives the
user a nice compromise between strongly ordered and entirely random
values, allowing fine-tuning the trade off between performance and
laziness in the ordering (think of CACHE 10 vs. CACHE 10000).

> If it works for all three of those
> tools, it's liable to work for any potential new tool.

In Postgres-R, this per-node cache uses additional attributes in the
pg_sequence system catalog to store state of this cache. This is
something I'm sure is not feasible to do from within a plugin.

Why does a "Global Sequences" API necessarily hook at the nextval() and
setval() level? That sounds like it yields an awkward amount of
duplicate work. Reading this thread, so far it looks like we agree that
option 3) is the most feasible optimization (the strict ordering being
the un-optimized starting point). Do we really need an API that allows
for implementations of options 1) and 2)?

What I'd appreciate more is a common implementation for option 3) with
an API to plug in different solutions to the underlying consensus problem.


Markus Wanner

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