On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 11:05:07AM -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I think we are going to see more company-funded developers working on
> PostgreSQL.  There are a handful now, but I can see lots more coming.
> I am going to work on getting those funding companies more visibility. 
> We originally were concerned that such involvement may harm the
> development process, but history has shown that it has only been a huge
> benefit for the community.

I agree, and it's also true that while the visibility of all you
paid-to-hack types is high, the fact that you _are_ paid, and by wha
companies, is not.

Just recently, one of the GnuE developers has been running on about SapDB,
and mentioned how they've got '100 paid developers at SAP' and seemed to
think that since GreatBridge died, pgsql is back to all volunteer. The
fact that GB wasn't the first nor the only nor the last corp. funding
pgsql development was clearly missed, even among a relatively PG savvy
user community (GnuE is the GNU/Enterprise middleware system, and is is
pgsql as its primary developement backend http://www.gnuenterprise.org/ )


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