On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Ross J. Reedstrom wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 16, 2002 at 10:21:12AM -0400, Vince Vielhaber wrote:
> > RPMs aren't a good enough reason to put it in.  All features aren't
> > installed in an RPM, why would this need to?   Besides, anything that
> > is runtime configurable can end up getting its default changed on a
> > whim.  Then again as long as 7.2.1 is stable enough for me there's
> > no reason to upgrade 'cuze I damn sure ain't going back and changing
> > all sorts of programs and scripts that have global users.
> So, Vince, do you have problems with the various GUC based optimizer
> hooks getting set to other than the default? I'd think you'd notice
> if suddenly indexscans all went away, or any of these:
> #enable_seqscan = true
> #enable_indexscan = true
> #enable_tidscan = true
> #enable_sort = true
> #enable_nestloop = true
> #enable_mergejoin = true
> #enable_hashjoin = true
> My point is that your resistance to a GUC controlled runtime configurable
> on the basis of 'it might get changed accidently' makes little sense to
> me, given all the other runtime config settings that never do get changed.
> What makes you think this one will be more susceptible to accidental
> flipping?

My point has nothing to do with resistance to GUC configurables.  Someone
WILL decide that having it as a default is a *Good Thing* because it's
there and is useful to them and in its current implementation there's not
even a concensus that it's the right way to do it.  It's being rushed into
this version unnecessarily.

Vince Vielhaber -- KA8CSH    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    http://www.pop4.net
         56K Nationwide Dialup from $16.00/mo at Pop4 Networking
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