On 11/22/2012 05:54 AM, Dimitri Fontaine wrote:
Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net> writes:
Here is a WIP patch for enhancements to json generation.

First, there is the much_requested json_agg, which will aggregate rows
directly to json. So the following will now work:

     select json_agg(my_table) from mytable;
     select json_agg(q) from (<myquery here>) q;
Awesome, thanks!

How do you handle the nesting of the source elements? I would expect a
variant of the aggregate that takes two input parameters, the datum and
the current nesting level.

Consider a tree table using parent_id and a recursive query to display
the tree. You typically handle the nesting with an accumulator and a
call to repeat() to prepend some spaces before the value columns. What
about passing that nesting level (integer) to the json_agg()?

Here's a worked out example:

     CREATE TABLE parent_child (
         parent_id integer NOT NULL,
         this_node_id integer NULL
INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (0, 1);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (1, 2);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (1, 3);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (1, 4);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (2, 5);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (2, 6);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (4, 7);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (4, 8);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (4, 9);
     INSERT INTO parent_child (parent_id, this_node_id) VALUES (9, 10);
     WITH RECURSIVE tree(id, level, parents) AS (
         SELECT this_node_id as id, 0 as level, '{}'::int[] as parents
           FROM parent_child
          WHERE parent_id = 0
UNION ALL SELECT this_node_id as id, t.level + 1, t.parents || c.parent_id
           FROM parent_child c
           JOIN tree t ON t.id = c.parent_id
     SELECT json_agg(id, level)
       FROM tree;

I've left the parents column in the query above as a debug facility, but
it's not needed in that case.

the function only takes a single argument and aggregates all the values into a json array. If the arguments are composites they will produce json objects.

People complained that to get a resultset as json you have to do in 9.2

    select array_to_json(array_agg(q)) ...

which is both a bit cumbersome and fairly inefficient. json_agg(q) is equivalent to the above expression but is both simpler and much more efficient.

If you want a tree structured object you'll need to construct it yourself - this function won't do the nesting for you. That's beyond its remit.



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