On 11/29/2012 01:06 PM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
so, just hashing out your proposal and making sure it's reasonable
analogous implementation of xpath.  Sleeping on it, I say mostly, but
not quite. how about some changes for json_get:

1) return setof (key, value) in the style of jquery each().
2) we need some way of indicating in the keytext path that we want to
unnest the collecton pointed to by keytext or to just return it.  for
example,  ->* as indicator?
3) use double quotes, and make them optional (as hstore)
4) speaking of hstore, prefer => vs ->?So I don't think your modifications are 
well thought out.

if you do at least #1 and #2, json_get I think can cover all the bases
for parsing json, meaning you could reproduce the behaviors for each
of your four proposed  just as xpath does for xml.   (you may still
want to add them for posterity or performance though). so no need for
json_each or json_array_unnest etc.

json_get is designed to return a single thing. What is more, returning a (key, value) pair seems quite silly when you're passing the key in as an argument. It's not designed to be json_path or json_query, and it's not designed either to take a path expression as an argument. So I don't think this is a good direction. Your proposed mods to json_get modify it out of all recognition. If I offer you a horse and ask what colour you'd like, asking for a lion instead isn't a good response :-)

(Repeating myself), I also suggest exposing the transform API so that it will be easy to construct further functions as extensions. I'm not trying to cover the field. The intention here is to provide some very basic json accessors as core functions / operators.



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