> buffer lenghth). So my proposal is, if prepare_buffer() detects
> possible inconsistency between buffer encoding and file encoding, warn
> user.
I agree with that.

On 2012/11/30 12:52, Tatsuo Ishii Wrote:
1. some especial character
(my sql file contains japanese comment "-- コメント" .  It can cause
psql crash.)
3. the encoding of input sql file is UTF-8

Actually the problem can occur even when importing following 3 byte
UTF8 input file:


(in hexa, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x88)

In this paticular case, psql decides that the total character length is
5, not 3. Because it just looks at the each first byte by calling PQmblen:

0xe3 -> 1 bytes in SJIS
0x83 -> 2 bytes in SJIS
0x88 -> 2 bytes in SJIS
total: 5 bytes

which is apparently wrong and causes subsequent segfault. Note that it
is possible that "input file > psql decision" case as well if client
encoding is different from file encoding, which will not be good too.
I think we should detect the cases as much as possible and warn users,
rather than silently ignore that fact client encoding != file
encoding. I don't think we can detect it in a reliable way, but at
least we could check the cases above(sum of PQmblen is not equale to
buffer lenghth). So my proposal is, if prepare_buffer() detects
possible inconsistency between buffer encoding and file encoding, warn

[t-ishii@localhost psql]$ PGCLIENTENCODING=SJIS psql postgres
Pager usage is off.
psql (9.3devel)
Type "help" for help.

postgres=# \i ~/sql
You are now connected to database "mydb" as user "t-ishii".
psql:/home/t-ishii/sql:7: warning: possible conflict between client encoding 
SJIS and input file encoding

Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en.php
Japanese: http://www.sraoss.co.jp

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