* Robert Haas (robertmh...@gmail.com) wrote:
> I haven't looked at the committed patch - which seemed a bit

Disclaimer- neither have I, but..

When I last recall this discussion (likely in some bar in Europe), the
problem was also that an independent session would be able to:

a) see that the table exists (due to SnapshotNow being used for lookups)
b) see rows in the table

Part 'a' is something which I think would be good to fix (but hard),
and it sounds like this patch might make part 'b' happen, which I think
makes the part 'a' problem worse.  I'm guessing this isn't a problem for
the TRUNCATE case because the second session would still be looking at
the pre-TRUNCATE files on disk, right?  Is that reference to exactly
which files on disk to look at being used to address the CREATE problem

That said, I love the idea of having a way to drop tuples in w/o having
to go back and rewrite them three times..



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