2012/12/9 Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com>:
> On 9 December 2012 06:08, Kohei KaiGai <kai...@kaigai.gr.jp> wrote:
>> 2012/12/7 Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com>:
>>> On 5 December 2012 11:16, Kohei KaiGai <kai...@kaigai.gr.jp> wrote:
>>>>> * TRUNCATE works, and allows you to remove all rows of a table, even
>>>>> ones you can't see to run a DELETE on. Er...
>>>> It was my oversight. My preference is to rewrite TRUNCATE command
>>>> with DELETE statement in case when row-security policy is active on
>>>> the target table.
>>>> In this case, a NOTICE message may be helpful for users not to assume
>>>> the table is always empty after the command.
>>> I think the default must be to throw an ERROR, since part of the
>>> contract with TRUNCATE is that it is fast and removes storage.
>> OK. Does the default imply you are suggesting configurable
>> behavior using GUC or something?
>> I think both of the behaviors are reasonable from security point
>> of view, as long as user cannot remove unprivileged rows.
> Hmm, its difficult one that. I guess this raises the question as to
> whether users know they are accessing a table with RLS enabled. If
> they don't and we want to keep it that way, then changing TRUNCATE
> into DELETE makes sense.
> To issue TRUNCATE you need the correct privilege, which is separate from 
> If they have TRUNCATE privilege they should be allowed to remove all
> rows, bypassing the row level security.
> If that behavious isn't wanted, then the table owner can create an
> INSTEAD OF TRUNCATE trigger that turns the action into a DELETE, which
> is then subject to RLS rules.
It seems to me make sense, also.
Even though selinux does not define separated permissions for TRUNCATE,
the later option will work well for me in case of row-level label based security
is configured in the future version.
So, I don't implement something special around TRUNCATE, except for
paying mention at the documentation.

KaiGai Kohei <kai...@kaigai.gr.jp>

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