On Thu, Dec 7, 2012 at 7:56 PM, Hari babu
<haribabu(dot)kommi(at)Huawei(dot)com> wrote:

>>On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Merlin Moncure <mmonc...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>Thanks for that -- that's fairly comprehensive I'd say.  I'm quite 


>>interested in that benchmarking framework as well.  Do you need help 

>>setting up the scripts?


>Presently I am testing with pgbench custom query option & taking IO & VM
statistics in parallel. 

>Following way I had written the test script for case -1.


>./psql -f bench_test_1_init.sql postgres iostat -t 1 -d >
hint.test1.iostat.reading_3.txt & vmstat -n 1 >
>hint.test1.vmstat.reading_3.txt & ./pgbench -f bench_test_1.sql -T 300 -c 8
-j 8 -n postgres killall -s SIGINT iostat >killall -s SIGINT vmstat


>Where the sql files are as follows:

>-- bench_test_1.sql

>select count(*) from  bench where f1 is not null;



>drop table if exists bench;

>create table bench(f0 int primary key, f1 char(50)); insert into bench
values (generate_series(1, 100000), 'a'); insert >into bench values
(generate_series(100001, 200000), 'a'); ...

>insert into bench values (generate_series(9800001, 9900000), 'a'); insert
into bench values (generate_series(9900001, >10000000), 'a'); checkpoint;


>I will provide the test results later.


Please find the review of the patch. 

Basic stuff: 
- Patch applies with offsets. 
- Compiles cleanly with no warnings 
- Regression Test pass. 

Code Review: 
        1. Better to set the hint bits for the tuples in a page, if the page
is already dirty. 

Test cases: 
        Test cases are already described in the following link. 

Test Results: 
Machine details: 
        CPU cores : 4 
        RAM       : 24GB 
        OS        : Suse Linux 10 SP2 

    shared_buffers = 500MB 
    autovacuum = off 
    checkpoint_segments = 256 
    checkpoint_timeout = 10min 

Following result are average of 3 runs each run is of 5min through pgbench
custom query. 

Test case - 1: 
                create temp table atri1 as select v from
generate_series(1,1000000) v; 
                select * from atri1; 
                VACUUM atri1; 
                DROP TABLE atri1; 

Test case - 2: 
                create table atri1 as select v from
generate_series(1,1000000) v;   
                select * from atri1; 

Test case - 3: (without pgbench) 
        connect two sessions s1, s2 
                s1 : start transaction; 
                s2 : 
                        create table atri1 as select v from
generate_series(1,1000000) v; 
                        select * from atri1; 
                        VACUUM atri1; 

                  9.3devel(Tps)    HintbitIO(Tps)         
Test case - 1:     1.762946        1.922219         
Test case - 2:     4.038673        4.044356         

Pgbench without vacuum scale factor 75, 8 threads & 8 client. (refer reports
Default tables select :      64980.736149    64550.118693     
Unlogged tables select:      64874.974334    64550.118693     

Multiple transaction bulk inserts: Select performance (refer script -1 & 2
which attached) 
sequential scan:      6.492680        6.382014     
Index scan:           1.386851        1.36234               

Single transaction bulk inserts: Select performance  (refer script - 3 & 4
which attached) 
sequential scan:      6.49319         6.3800147                 
Index scan:           1.384121        1.3615277                         

Long transaction open then Vacuum & select performance in milli seconds.
(refer reports output) 
Testcase - 3: 
Single Vacuum Perf   : 128.302 ms      181.292 ms           
Single select perf   : 214.107 ms      177.057 ms   
Total                : 342.409 ms      358.349 ms 

I was not able to find the reason why in some of cases results are low so
please use the attached scripts to validate the same. 

I was not able to provide the IO statistics as IOSTAT & VMSTAT was giving
the current snapshot 
but not the cumulative from start to end of test execution. 

No user visible changes, so no documentation is need to update. 


Hari babu.

Attachment: results.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

Attachment: scripts.tar.gz
Description: Binary data

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