> To simply decide not to fix it means:
> What I am saying is that there is nothing that could possibly be more
> important than fixing this, except some other known problem that could
> also cause billions of dollars worth of damage.  Are there any such
> problems besides the buffer overrun problems?

This is an open source project. If you, or others with similar strong
feelings about what is important to you, would like to submit patches in
those areas I'm sure that they would be looked on favorably.

To simply insist that everyone else have the same priorities on any
topic is a bit unrealistic. However, I'd hope that if there are folks
who look at this particular issue with your PoV they would speak up and
think about helping out. If you didn't state a strong opinion on the
topic then others might never catch on that there is a potential issue,
let alone that they could contribute to a solution...

                     - Thomas

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