> Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 11:56:25 -0500 
> Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Writing Trigger Functions in C 
> From: cbbro...@gmail.com 
> To: charle...@outlook.com 
> CC: pgsql-hackers@postgresql.org 
> On Fri, Dec 21, 2012 at 11:25 AM, Charles Gomes  
> <charle...@outlook.com<mailto:charle...@outlook.com>> wrote: 
>  > 
>  > Hello guys, 
>  > 
>  > I've been finding performance issues when using a trigger to modify  
> inserts on a partitioned table. 
>  > If using the trigger the total time goes from 1 Hour to 4 hours. 
>  > 
>  > The trigger is pretty simple: 
>  > 
>  > CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION quotes_insert_trigger() 
>  > RETURNS trigger AS $ 
>  > BEGIN 
>  > EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO quotes_'||  
> to_char(new.received_time,'YYYY_MM_DD') ||' VALUES (($1).*)' USING NEW  
> ; 
>  > END; 
>  > $ 
>  > LANGUAGE plpgsql; 
>  > 
>  > I've seen that some of you guys have worked on writing triggers in C. 
>  > 
>  > Does anyone have had an experience writing a trigger for partitioning  
> in C ? 
> I'd want to be very careful about assuming that implementing the  
> trigger function in C 
> would necessarily improve performance.  It's pretty likely that it  
> wouldn't help much, 
> as a fair bit of the cost of firing a trigger have to do with figuring  
> out which function to 
> call, marshalling arguments, and calling the function, none of which would 
> magically disappear by virtue of implementing in C. 
> A *major* cost that your existing implementation has is that it's re-planning 
> the queries for every single invocation.  This is an old, old problem  
> from the 
> Lisp days, "EVAL considered evil"   
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2571401/why-exactly-is-eval-evil> 
> The EXECUTE winds up replanning queries every time the trigger fires. 
> If you can instead enumerate the partitions explicitly, putting them  
> into (say) a 
> CASE clause, the planner could generate the plan once, rather than a million 
> times, which would be a HUGE savings, vastly greater than you could  
> expect from 
> recoding into C. 
> The function might look more like: 
> create or replace function quotes_insert_trigger () returns trigger as $$ 
> declare 
>      c_rt text; 
> begin 
>     c_rt := to_char(new.received_time, 'YYYY_MM_DD'); 
>     case c_rt 
>       when '2012_03_01' then 
>         insert into 2012_03_01 values (NEW.*) using new; 
>       when '2012_03_02' then 
>         insert into 2012_03_02 values (NEW.*) using new; 
>       else 
>         raise exception 'Need a new partition function for %', c_rt; 
>       end case; 
> end $$ language plpgsql; 
> You'd periodically need to change the function to reflect the existing set of 
> partitions, but that's cheaper than creating a new partition. 
> The case statement gets more expensive (in effect O(n) on the number of 
> partitions, n) as the number of partitions increases.  You could split 
> the date into pieces (e.g. - years, months, days) to diminish that cost. 
> But at any rate, this should be *way* faster than what you're running now, 
> and not at any heinous change in development costs (as would likely 
> be the case reimplementing using SPI). 
> -- 
> When confronted by a difficult problem, solve it by reducing it to the 
> question, "How would the Lone Ranger handle this?"

I will change and implement it this way, I was not aware of such optimization.
Will post back after my benchmark runs.                                         

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