While tuning an application, I found the posts from 2003 recomending the
use of LOWER() and LIKE in place of ILIKE to take advantage of indices.

For this app, given the limitations of the upper-layer protocol it must
support, that change replaced about 30 minutes of repeated seq scans with
about 1 minute of repeated index scans!  On a query-set often repeated
several times per day.  (Probably more times per day now.)

Is there any contraindication to recasting:

  foo ILIKE 'bar'


  LOWER(foo) LIKE LOWER('bar')

and documenting that an index has to be on LOWER(column) to benefit ILIKE?

Perhaps the parser could read the former as the latter?

James Cloos <cl...@jhcloos.com>         OpenPGP: 1024D/ED7DAEA6

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