
I'm trying to write a query to give me a list of the columns and/or expressions 
in an index. For example, given this table:

david=# \d foo
       Table "public.foo"
 Column  |   Type    | Modifiers 
 id      | integer   | 
 bar_ids | integer[] | 
    "idx_foo_stuff" btree (id, abs(id), (bar_ids[1]))

I'd like to write a query to emit:

 i |      coalesce       
 0 | id
 1 | abs(id)
 2 | bar_ids[1]

However, it looks as if I can only get multiple expressions as a single string. 
The query I've come up with is:

         SELECT s.i, COALESCE(a.attname, pg_catalog.pg_get_expr( x.indexprs, 
ct.oid ))
          FROM pg_catalog.pg_index x
          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ct    ON ct.oid = x.indrelid
          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class ci    ON ci.oid = x.indexrelid
          JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = ct.relnamespace
          JOIN generate_series(0, current_setting('max_index_keys')::int - 1) 
            ON x.indkey[s.i] IS NOT NULL
          LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
            ON ct.oid = a.attrelid
           AND a.attnum = x.indkey[s.i]
         WHERE ct.relname = 'foo'
           AND ci.relname = 'idx_foo_stuff'
           AND n.nspname  = 'public'
         ORDER BY s.i;

Which emits:

 i |      coalesce       
 0 | id
 1 | abs(id), bar_ids[1]
 2 | abs(id), bar_ids[1]

Is there some way to only get the relevant index expression from indexprs, 
rather than the whole expression?



PS: I need this to work all the way back to 8.1, if possible.

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