> On 01/13/2013 12:18 PM, Mark Hellegers wrote:
> >> I understand. I will start working on reapplying my patches to
> >> master.
> >> Git is still new to me, but I'm making progress.
> >>
> > I'm running into a little problem with applying my patches.
> > It seems I made a quick fix in my port that I can't commit and I'm 
> > not
> > sure what the best way to fix this is.
>     git commit -a
> should be all you need to commit something. All commits in git are 
> local, so committing your changes won't hurt anyone else.

Yes, I got that. It's quite different from subversion, which is what I 
am used to.
> > The problem is that Haiku does have getrusage, but does not have 
> > all
> > the fields as used in Postgresql.
> What is it missing?

It complains that the structure rusage is missing the following fields:
- ru_inblock
- ru_outblock
- ru_majflt
- ru_minflt
- ru_nswap
- ru_nsignals
- ru_msgrcv
- ru_msgsnd
- ru_nvcsw
- ru_nivcsw

I typed them over from the error output, so I may be missing one or 
mistyped something.
> > If I undef HAVE_GETRUSAGE, the code that uses those fields is not
> > compiled (see src/backend/trcop/postgres.c line 4338), but then it 
> > will
> > include the rusagestub.h file (see line 38 of the same file). The
> > rusagestub.h file contains all the definitions that already exist 
> > in
> > Haiku, so then it trips over that. I commented out the include of 
> > the
> > rusagestub.h file in my initial work, but that is obviously not a 
> > good
> > idea as a patch. I can try to skip the include if compiling on 
> > Haiku,
> > but I'm not sure this is the best way to do this.
> >
> >
> I did get a haiku instance running yesterday. But I am kinda busy for 
> a 
> few days - I'll try to take a peek at this later in the week. I 
> suggest 
> you set up a repo at bitbucket or github that you can push your 
> changes 
> to so people can pull them if necessary.

I had a quick look at github and saw that there is a mirror of the 
postgresl project on there, but I'm not sure how to make everything 
work. I'm afraid I'm a bit too new to git to have that up and running 
without some help.
If you could help me a bit with that (perhaps off list would be best), 
I would like to give it a try.

Kind regards,


Spangalese for beginners:

`Wiggilo wagel hoggle?'
`Where can I scrub my eyeballs?'

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