On 2013-01-13 12:29:08 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> "Erik Rijkers" <e...@xs4all.nl> writes:
> > If you dump a table with -t schema.table, and in the receiving database 
> > that schema does not
> > exist, pg_restore-9.3devel will restore into the pg_catalog schema:
> > ...
> > Off course the workaround is obvious, but shouldn't this be prevented from 
> > happening in the first
> > place?  9.2 refuses to do such a restore, which seems much better.
> I said to myself "huh?  surely we did not change pg_dump's behavior
> here".  But actually it's true, and the culprit is commit 880bfc328,
> "Silently ignore any nonexistent schemas that are listed in
> search_path".  What pg_dump is emitting is
>       SET search_path = s, pg_catalog;
>       CREATE TABLE t (...);
> and in HEAD the SET throws no error and instead establishes pg_catalog
> as the target schema for object creation.  Oops.
> So obviously, 880bfc328 was several bricks shy of a load.  The arguments
> for that change in behavior still seem good for schemas *after* the
> first one; but the situation is entirely different for the first schema,
> because that's what the command is attempting to establish as the
> creation schema.

There also is the seemingly independent question of why the heck its
suddently allowed to create (but not drop?) tables in pg_catalog.
9.2 does:
andres=# CREATE TABLE pg_catalog.c AS SELECT 1;
ERROR:  permission denied to create "pg_catalog.c"
DETAIL:  System catalog modifications are currently disallowed.
Time: 54.180 ms

postgres=# CREATE TABLE pg_catalog.test AS SELECT 1;
Time: 124.112 ms
postgres=# DROP TABLE pg_catalog.test;
ERROR:  permission denied: "test" is a system catalog
Time: 0.461 ms


Andres Freund

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