2013/1/23 Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us>:
> I wrote:
>> If we did think that this specific backslash command needed to be able
>> to print something other than the filename as-entered, I'd be inclined
>> to just apply make_absolute_path() to the name, instead of relying on
>> inadequate dead-reckoning.  However, that would require making
>> make_absolute_path available in src/port/ or someplace, which seems
>> a bit more than this "feature" is worth.  Why should \s, and \s alone,
>> need to remind you where you're cd'd to?
> It strikes me that a more useful "reminder" feature could be implemented
> by having \cd itself print the new current directory, which it could do
> with a simple call to getcwd(), thus not requiring refactoring of
> make_absolute_path.  Then for instance if you'd forgotten where you
> were, "\cd ." would tell you.

 \! pwd does the trick as well.

However personally I prefer to get some kind of feedback from an
action, so having
\cd confirm the directory would be nice. I'll submit a patch.

Related email from the archives on this subject:

Does commit 0725065b just need to be reverted, or is an additional
patch required to remove the prefixed working directory from \s output?

Ian Barwick

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