On 26.02.2013 19:42, Tom Lane wrote:
Fujii Masao<masao.fu...@gmail.com>  writes:
In HEAD, when I ran "pg_basebackup -D hoge -X stream",
I got the following FailedAssertion error:

TRAP: FailedAssertion("!((wakeEvents&  ((1<<  1) | (1<<  2))) != (1<<
2))", File: "pg_latch.c", Line: 234)

This error happens after the commit 0b6329130e8e4576e97ff763f0e773347e1a88af.

This assertion error happens when WL_SOCKET_WRITEABLE without
WL_SOCKET_READABLE is specified in WaitLatchOrSocket(). This
condition is met when walsender has received CopyDone from the client,
but the output buffer is not empty. If reaching such condition is legitimate,
I think that we should get rid of the Assertion check which caused the above
FailedAssertion error. Thought?

The reason for the assertion is that that case doesn't actually work.
The code that is passing that combination of flags needs to be changed.
Or else you can try to implement the ability to support READABLE only.

Right. I fixed that by adding WL_SOCKET_READABLE, and handling any messages that might arrive after the frontend already sent CopyEnd. The frontend shouldn't send any messages after CopyEnd, until it receives a CopyEnd from the backend.

In theory, the frontend could already send the next query before receiving the CopyEnd, but libpq doesn't currently allow that. Until someone writes a client that actually tries to do that, I'm not going to try to support that in the backend. It would be a lot more work, and likely be broken anyway, without any way to test it.

Thanks for the report!

- Heikki

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