On 12/19/12 6:30 PM, Jeff Davis wrote:
I ran a few tests.
Test 1 - find worst-case overhead for the checksum calculation on write:
Test 2 - worst-case overhead for calculating checksum while reading data
Test 3 - worst-case WAL overhead

What I've done is wrap all of these tests into a shell script that runs them 3 times each, with and without checksums. That includes steps like the spots where Jeff found a "sync" helped improve repeatability. I ran these manually before and didn't notice enough of a difference to argue with any of his results at the time. Having them packaged up usefully means I can try some additional platforms too, and other testers should be easily able to take a crack at it.

On the last one, in addition to runtime I directly measure how many bytes of WAL are written. It's 0 in the usual case, where the hint bit changes triggered by the first "SELECT * FROM foo" don't generate any WAL.

Detailed results with both my and Jeff's numbers are in the attached spreadsheet. I did my tests on a Mac writing to SSD, to try and get some variety in the test platforms. The main difference there is that Test 1 is much slower on my system, enough so that the slowdown isn't as pronounced.

Remember, these are a set of tests designed to magnify the worst case here. I don't feel any of these results make the feature uncommittable. The numbers I'm getting are not significantly different from the ones Jeff posted back in December, and those were acceptable to some of the early adopter candidates I've been surveying informally. These numbers are amplifying overhead without doing much in the way of real disk I/O, which can easily be a lot more expensive than any of this. I do think there needs to be a bit more documentation of the potential downsides to checksumming written though, since they are pretty hefty in some situations.

I'm going to get some pgbench results next, to try and put this into a more realistic context too. The numbers for this round break down like this:

= Test 1 - find worst-case overhead for the checksum calculation on write =

This can hit 25% of runtime when you isolate it out. I'm not sure if how I'm running this multiple times makes sense yet. This one is so much slower on my Mac that I can't barely see a change at all.

= Test 2 - worst-case overhead for calculating checksum while reading data =

Jeff saw an 18% slowdown, I get 24 to 32%. This one bothers me because the hit is going to happen during the very common situation where data is shuffling a lot between a larger OS cache and shared_buffers taking a relatively small fraction. If that issue were cracked, such that shared_buffers could be >50% of RAM, I think the typical real-world impact of this would be easier to take.

= Test 3 - worst-case WAL overhead =

This is the really nasty one. The 10,000,000 rows touched by the SELECT statement here create no WAL in a non-checksum environment. When checksums are on, 368,513,656 bytes of WAL are written, so about 37 bytes per row.

Jeff saw this increase runtime by 135%, going from 1000ms to 2350ms. My multiple runs are jumping around in a way I also don't trust fully yet. But the first and best of the ones I'm seeing goes from 1660ms to 4013ms, which is a 140% increase. The others are even worse. I suspect I'm filling a cache that isn't cleared before the second and third run are over. I'll know for sure when I switch back to Linux.

The really nasty case I can see making people really cranky is where someone has fsync on, a slowly rotating drive, and then discovers this slowing read statements. There's already a decent share of "why is it writing when I do 'SELECT *'?" complaints around the block I/O, which is fully asynchronous in a lot of cases.

Right now the whole hint bit mechanism and its overhead are treated as an internal detail that isn't in the regular documentation. I think committing this sort of checksum patch will require exposing some of the implementation to the user in the documentation, so people can understand what the trouble cases are--either in advance or when trying to puzzle out why they're hitting one of them.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support www.2ndQuadrant.com

Attachment: ChecksumPerfResults.xls
Description: MS-Excel spreadsheet

# Configuration for testing checksum performance.
# Primary goals:
# -Reasonable buffer size and checkpoint parameters
# -Prevent interference from the bgwriter or autovacuum.
# -Turn off fsync so that it's measuring the calculation
#  overhead, not the effort of actually writing to disk.
autovacuum = off
fsync = off
bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 0
shared_buffers = 1024MB
checkpoint_segments = 64

Attachment: perf-checksum.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

-- Convert hex value to a decimal one.  It's possible to do this using
-- undocumented features of the bit type, such as:
--     "SELECT 'xff'::text::bit(8)::int;"
-- This function relies on that only to convert single hex digits, meaning
-- it handles abitrarily large numbers too.  The code is inspired by the hex
-- to decimal examples at http://postgres.cz and is not case sensitive.
-- Sample tests:
-- SELECT hex_to_dec('FF');
-- SELECT hex_to_dec('ffff');
-- SELECT hex_to_dec('FFff');
RETURNS numeric AS
    r numeric;
    i int;
    digit int;
    r := 0;
    FOR i in 1..length($1) LOOP 
        EXECUTE E'SELECT x\''||substring($1 from i for 1)|| E'\'::integer' INTO 
        r := r * 16 + digit;
        END LOOP;
    RETURN r;

-- Process the output from pg_current_xlog_location() or
-- pg_current_xlog_insert_location() and return a WAL Logical Serial Number
-- from that information.  That represents an always incrementing offset
-- within the WAL stream, proportional to how much data has been written
-- there.  The input will look like '2/13BDE690'.
-- Sample use:
-- SELECT wal_lsn(pg_current_xlog_location());
-- SELECT wal_lsn(pg_current_xlog_insert_location());
-- There's no error checking here.  If you input a hex string without a "/"
-- in it, the function will process it without complaint, returning a large
-- number as if that were the left hand side of a valid pair.
RETURNS numeric AS $$
SELECT hex_to_dec(split_part($1,'/',1)) * 16 * 1024 * 1024 * 255
    + hex_to_dec(split_part($1,'/',2));
$$ language sql

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