On 04.03.2013 23:00, Jeff Davis wrote:
On Mon, 2013-03-04 at 22:27 +0200, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
Yeah, fragmentation will certainly hurt some workloads. But how badly,
and which workloads, and how does that compare with the work that
PostgreSQL has to do to maintain the checksums? I'd like to see some
data on those things.

I think we all would. Btrfs will be a major filesystem in a few years,
and we should be ready to support it.

Perhaps we should just wait a few years? If we suspect that this becomes obsolete in a few years, it's probably better to just wait, than add a feature we'll have to keep maintaining. Assuming it gets committed today, it's going to take a year or two for 9.3 to get released and all the bugs ironed out, anyway.

- Heikki

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