Dear Amit

yes, my new constrains must not be name of variable.
I moved new keyword to reserved keyword.
Problem solved :D


On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:17 AM, Amit Kapila <> wrote:

> On Sunday, May 05, 2013 1:03 PM soroosh sardari wrote:
> > Hi
> > I'm trying to add a new constraint to column constraint.
> > I add a new keyword ro kwlist.h and gram.y, and also edit
> ColConstraintElem.
> > The problem is i don't know what is "Keyword category lists" at the end
> of
> gram.y.
> Keyword category lists are to distinguish different type of keywords.
> For example, if you add keyword in reserved_keyword, then you cannot use
> that as variable in SQL where as if you put in unreserved_keyword, then you
> can use it.
> > when I added the new keyword in "unreserved_keyword", shift/reduce and
> reduce/reduce conflicts appear in bison outputs.
> > any idea about this problem and meaning of  "Keyword category lists" is
> appreciated.
> This means the grammar syntax you have defined for ColConstraintElem
> conflicts with some already existing definition. shift/reduce conflicts can
> occur due to your changes in  ColConstraintElem definition. I suggest first
> you can try with minimal/dummy changes in ColConstraintElem and once it
> passes then you can try with your actual changes to see what part of
> changes
> cause conflicts.
> With Regards,
> Amit Kapila.
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