Heikki Linnakangas <hlinnakan...@vmware.com> writes:
> On 26.05.2013 04:31, Simon Riggs wrote:
>> This new format does not [work:]
>> COPY pgbench_accounts FROM '/tmp/acc' (FORMAT BINARY);
>> ERROR:  syntax error at or near "BINARY" at character 47

> This seems to work:

> --- a/src/backend/parser/gram.y
> +++ b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
> @@ -2528,3 +2528,7 @@ copy_generic_opt_elem:
>                               {
>                                       $$ = makeDefElem($1, $2);
>                               }
> +                     | ColLabel BINARY
> +                             {
> +                                     $$ = makeDefElem($1, (Node *) 
> makeString("binary"));
> +                             }

That only fixes things for the specific case of FORMAT BINARY.  I think
it would be better to generalize ColId_or_Sconst.  This one-liner works,
but it's pretty ugly:

*** gram.y~     Sun May 26 11:58:42 2013
--- gram.y      Sun May 26 12:00:03 2013
*************** opt_encoding:
*** 1548,1553 ****
--- 1548,1554 ----
                { $$ = $1; }
+                       | type_func_name_keyword                                
{ $$ = pstrdup($1); }
                        | Sconst                                                
                { $$ = $1; }

More readable would be to invent an intermediate nonterminal falling
between ColId and ColLabel, whose expansion would be "IDENT |
unreserved_keyword | col_name_keyword | type_func_name_keyword", and
then replace ColId_or_Sconst with whatever-we-call-that_or_Sconst.
Any thoughts about a name for that new nonterminal?

BTW, I tried just replacing ColId with ColLabel here, and that *almost*
works, but there are some places where we can see either ColId_or_Sconst
or DEFAULT.  I don't know of any sane way to express "all reserved
keywords except DEFAULT" to bison, so the best we can realistically do
is to accept all not-fully-reserved keywords in these places.

                        regards, tom lane

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