
When I ran pg_restore -l with the directory arhicve input, I found that
its format is wrongly reported as UNKNOWN.

$ pg_dump -F d -f hoge
$ pg_restore -l hoge
; Archive created at Sat Jun 15 01:38:14 2013
;     dbname: postgres
;     TOC Entries: 9
;     Compression: -1
;     Dump Version: 1.12-0
;     Format: UNKNOWN
;     Integer: 4 bytes
;     Offset: 8 bytes
;     Dumped from database version: 9.3beta1
;     Dumped by pg_dump version: 9.3beta1
; Selected TOC Entries:

In this case, the format should be reported as DIRECTORY.
The attached patch fixes this problem.


Fujii Masao

Attachment: pg_restore_tocsummary_v1.patch
Description: Binary data

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