On 24 June 2013 04:29, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
> On 06/23/2013 08:00 PM, Andrew Gierth wrote:
>> OK, let's try to cover all the bases here in one go.
>> 1. Stick with "?column?" as a warning flag that you're not supposed to
>> be using this without aliasing it to something.
> How do I actually supply an alias which covers both columns?  What does
> that look like, syntactically?

There are a number of possible syntaxes:

SELECT unnest, "?column?" FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y']) WITH ORDINALITY;
SELECT unnest.unnest, unnest."?column?" FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y'])
 unnest | ?column?
 x      |        1
 y      |        2
(2 rows)

SELECT t, "?column?" FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y']) WITH ORDINALITY AS t;
SELECT t.t, t."?column?" FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y']) WITH ORDINALITY AS t;
 t | ?column?
 x |        1
 y |        2
(2 rows)

SELECT val, "?column?" FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y']) WITH ORDINALITY AS t(val);
SELECT t.val, t."?column?" FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y']) WITH ORDINALITY
AS t(val);
 val | ?column?
 x   |        1
 y   |        2
(2 rows)

SELECT val, ord FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y']) WITH ORDINALITY AS t(val, ord);
SELECT t.val, t.ord FROM unnest(ARRAY['x','y']) WITH ORDINALITY AS t(val, ord);
 val | ord
 x   |   1
 y   |   2
(2 rows)

My suggestion was to replace "?column?" with ordinality wherever it
appears above, for the user's convenience, but so far more people
prefer "?column?" as a way of indicating that you're supposed to
provide an alias for the column.

If that's what people prefer, I don't mind --- it's still going to be
a very handy new feature.


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