> pg_get_viewdef() needs to be updated

Ah, good catch - I've fixed this in the attached. I also discovered that
there's a parent-child hierarchy of WindowDefs (using relname->name), so
instead of cloning the WindowDef (in parse_agg.c) if the frameOptions are
different (e.g. by adding the ignore-nulls flag) I create a child of the
WindowDef and override the frameOptions. This has the useful side-effect of
making pg_get_viewdef work as expected (the previous iteration of the patch
produced a copy of the window definintion, not the window name, as it was
using a nameless clone), although the output has parentheses around the
view name:

> lag(i.i, 2) IGNORE NULLS OVER (w) AS lagged_by_2

I've updated the test cases accordingly. Thanks -


Attachment: lead-lag-ignore-nulls.patch
Description: Binary data

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