On Sun, 2013-07-07 at 20:15 -0400, Noah Misch wrote:
> I mildly recommend we reject this patch as such, remove the TODO item,
> remove
> the XXX comments this patch removes, and plan not to add more trivial
> wrappers.  If consensus goes otherwise, I think we should at least
> introduce
> SPI_getcollation() at the same time.  Code that needs to transfer one
> of them
> very often needs to transfer the other.  Having API coverage for just
> one
> makes it easier for hackers to miss that. 

The question is, what would one do with those values?  It's hard to see
when you would need the typmod and the collation of a result set.  There
might be cases, but enough to provide a special API for it?

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