On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 8:42 PM, Prabakaran, Vaishnavi 
<vaishna...@fast.au.fujitsu.com> wrote:
> Hi Berkus,
> Thanks for your time and response.
> I do understand that there is no LIKE operator support for integers and it 
> would be great if you could help me understand the reason why is it not 
> supported.
> My intention is to know whether this is not supported because of any 
> technical limitation or is it against any Postgresql/SQL standards.

> the latter

I see. Understood. Looking at the SQL standard it does say that the operands 
needs to be character or octet. But I was hoping that this can be overridden by 
implicit conversion rules which are implementation specific.  

> My use cases are like below ones :
> Integer LIKE pattern [ESCAPE escape-character] 1. List all the 
> customers who are having negative balance:
> SELECT * from Customer where balance LIKE '-%'

this is not cleaner implemented this way?
SELECT * FROM customer WHERE balance < 0;

> 2. List all the customers whose id starts with 1:
> SELECT * from Customer where cust_id LIKE '1%'

> there is any real use for that query? i understand if you ask for all 
> customers whose names begins with 'A' but that the code begins with '1'?

A legacy application we are migrating does have a weird requirement like this 
because it was running on 'another' RDBMS which does have support for implicit 
casting in LIKE predicate.


Jaime Casanova         www.2ndQuadrant.com
Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitaciĆ³n
Phone: +593 4 5107566         Cell: +593 987171157

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