On Wed, July 17, 2013 05:27, Tom Lane wrote:
> Michael Paquier <michael.paqu...@gmail.com> writes:
>> It happens that I work occasionally on multiple builds based on

FWIW, I've been doing this for while:

where $project is mostly the patchname, $commit_hash is extracted like this:

commit_hash=$( cd /home/aardvark/pg_stuff/git/master; git log | head -n 1 | cut 
--delimiter=" " -f 2 );


perl -i.original -ne "
      print;" configure

Which will then give:

PostgreSQL 9.4devel-HEAD-20130717_0828-ffcf654547ef38555203e6d716f47b7065a0a87d 
on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, compiled by
gcc (GCC) 4.8.1, 64-bit

Btw, in an even more ugly hack I also stick some of that same config data in 
information_schema.sql_packages, with a
feature_id >= 100:

select * from information_schema.sql_packages where cast(substring(feature_id 
from E'^PKG([[:digit:]]+)') as integer) >= 100
 feature_id |    feature_name    | is_supported | is_verified_by |              
 PKG100     | project name       | YES          | ej             | HEAD
 PKG101     | patched            | NO           | ej             | NO
 PKG103     | build time         | YES          | ej             | 2013-07-17 
 PKG104     | server_version     | YES          | ej             |
 PKG105     | server_version_num | YES          | ej             | 90400
 PKG106     | port               | YES          | ej             | 6544
 PKG110     | commit hash        | YES          | ej             | 
 PKG111     | catversion         | YES          | ej             | 201307161
 PKG112     | control version    | YES          | ej             | 937
(9 rows)

Needless to say, YMMV ...


Erik Rijkers

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