On 7/23/13 2:30 PM, Josh Berkus wrote:

You know as well as me that, as consultants, we can get clients to pay for 10% 
extra time
for review in the course of developing a feature

Before this number gets quoted anywhere, I think it's on the low side. I've spent a good bit of time measuring how much time it takes to do a fair offsetting review--one where you put as much time in as it takes to review your submission--and I keep getting numbers more in the 20 to 25% range. The work involved to do a high quality review takes a while.

I happen to think the review structure is one of the most important components to PostgreSQL release quality. It used to be a single level review with just the committers, now it's a two level structure. The reason the Postgres code is so good isn't that the submitted development is inherently any better than other projects. There's plenty of bogus material submitted here. It's the high standards for review and commit that are the key filter. The importance of the process to the result isn't weighed as heavily as I think it should be.

Greg Smith   2ndQuadrant US    g...@2ndquadrant.com   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services, and 24x7 Support www.2ndQuadrant.com

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