On Sun, August 4, 2013 04:51, Ian Lawrence Barwick wrote:
> I just noticed that pg_restore executing in "verbose" mode displays the
> name of the object being restored, but not its schema.

Good idea.  We have many schemata with tables of the same name and
reporting the schema name certainly improves the readability and error
trackdown during restore.

I notice 2 things:

1.  pg_restore now outputs reports about COMMENT like this:
pg_restore: creating COMMENT restore_verbose_test.TABLE t
pg_restore: creating COMMENT restore_verbose_test.COLUMN t.c
pg_restore: creating COMMENT restore_verbose_test.COLUMN t.i

I assume the .TABLE and .COLUMN here is a bug; it should just be:

pg_restore: creating COMMENT restore_verbose_test t

as it used to be.

2.  Several of the lines that are output by pg_restore now mention
the schema, but not the "processing" line:

pg_restore: processing data for table "t"

Could it be added there too?


Erik Rijkers



rm -rf $schema.dump

echo "
drop schema if exists $schema cascade;
create schema $schema;
drop table if exists $t;
create table $t(c text, i serial primary key);
comment on table $t is 'table $t is a table';
comment on column $t.c is 'column c is a column text in table $t';
comment on column $t.i is 'column i is a column serial (pk) in table $t';
insert into $t select chr(i) from generate_series(65,70) f(i);
" | psql -X

echo "table $t limit 5; \\d+ $t" | psql -X

time pg_dump -v -F d -n $schema -f $schema.dump testdb

echo "drop schema if exists $schema cascade;" | psql -X

echo '\dn '$schema | psql -X

pg_restore -v -d testdb $schema.dump

echo '\dn '$schema | psql -X
echo "table $t limit 5; \\d+ $t" | psql -X

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