
I understood it's too late to change the feature.
I hope it will be revised in 9.4!

(2013/08/09 4:13), Josh Berkus wrote:
> On 08/08/2013 11:01 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
>> I don't think anybody working on related areas of the code thinks it's
>> rock solid.
>> But anyway, I just don't see the downside of allowing problem
>> analysis. You're free to do more testing, review, whatever before the
>> release.
> I'm 100% with you that we ought to keep the slow failover code around
> and accessible to debugging.  What I'm asking is whether it should still
> be explicitly available to users, and the default.  Based on your
> feedback, it's sounding like it should be.

In my opinion, the default behavior "fast promote" is ok.
Because we don't have any explicit problem with it for now.

And we shouldn't mention about "normal promote" in document.
I think it will make user confused if do so.

By the way, I'm thinking about when these trigger files(*)
are unlinked.
(*)Now I treat these three files
1) a file specified in trigger_file
2) ${PGDATA}/promote
3) ${PGDATA}/fast_promote

Current source has a problem in some corner cases.
It occurs by the timing of detecting these files.

for example:
createing 1) and executing "pg_ctl promote" occur at the same time.

creating 1) and promoting at recovery-end(by recovery_target_xxx)
occur at the same time.

1) is created, but promoting completes by another trigger.
Both cases 1) remains on the server.
If user doesn't know it and make a standby on the server,
the standby will promote soon.

I think this is not so big problem, but not user-friendly.
Against this, I'm thinking unlinking these files before
starting recovery.

This should be fixed in 9.4 too?

Tomonari Katsumata

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