Last week, I attempted to write some code to perform a trivial
operation in parallel by launching background workers.  Despite my
earlier convictions that I'd built enough infrastructure to make this
possible, the experiment turned out badly - so, patches!

It's been pretty obvious to me from the beginning that any sort of
parallel computation would need a way to make sure that if any worker
dies, everybody dies.  Conversely, if the parent aborts, all the
workers should die.  My thought was that this could be implemented
using PG_TRY()/PG_CATCH() blocks over the existing infrastructure, but
this turned out to be naive.  If the original backend encounters an
error before the child manages to start up, there's no good recovery
strategy.  The parent can't kill the child because it doesn't exist
yet, and the parent can't stop the postmaster from starting the child
later.  The parent could try waiting until the child starts up and
THEN killing it, but that's probably unreliable and surely
mind-numbingly lame.  The first attached patch,
terminate-worker-v1.patch, rectifies this problem by providing a
TerminateBackgroundWorker() function.  When this function is invoked,
the postmaster will become unwilling to restart the worker and will
send it a SIGTERM if it's already running.  (It's important that the
SIGTERM be sent by the postmaster, because if the original backend
tries to send it, there's a race condition: the process might not be
started at the time the original backend tries to send the signal, but
the postmaster might start it before it sees the terminate request.)

By itself, this is useful, but painful.  The pain comes from the fact
that all of the house-keeping is left to the programmer.  It is
possible but not elegant to use something like
PG_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP() to ensure that all background workers are
terminated even on an error exit from the affected code.  The other
half of the problem is harder: how do we ensure not only that the
untimely demise of a worker process aborts the original backend's
transaction, but that it does so in a relatively timely fashion?  If
the original backend is executing only a very limited amount of code
while the parallel workers remain in existence, it would be possible
to add explicit checks for the demise of a worker at periodic
intervals through all of that code.  But this seems a very limiting
approach.  In the hope of making things better, the second patch
attached herewith, ephemeral-precious-v1.patch, adds two new flags,

Setting the BGWORKER_EPHEMERAL flag causes the background worker to be
killed when the registrant's (sub)transaction ends.  This eliminates
the need to catch errors and explicitly invoke
TerminateBackgroundWorker() in the error path.  You can simply
register an ephemeral worker, write code to do stuff with it, and then
terminate it.  If an error occurs part-way through, the worker will be
terminated as part of the abort path.

Setting the BGWORKER_PRECIOUS flag causes the unexpected death of the
worker to abort the registrant's current (sub)transaction.  This
eliminates the need to sprinkle the code with checks for a deceased
worker.  Instead, you can simply register a precious worker, and then
just remember to CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS().  There were a couple of
awkward cases here.  First, all the existing stuff that hooks into
ProcessInterrupts() makes provision for handling the
ImmediateInterruptOK case.  I felt that was superfluous here, so
instead simply prohibited leaving a precious background worker running
beyond the end of the statement.  The point is to enable parallel
computation, which will, I think, begin and end within the lifespan of
one query.  Second, odd things happen if the original backend launches
precious workers and then begins a subtransaction.  Throwing an error
in the subtransaction will not do the right thing; the subtransaction
may easily be something like a PL/pgsql exception block and an error
will be caught and result in unexpected behavior.  So we don't.  I
just added a comment saying that if you do decide to start a
subtransaction while you've got precious workers outstanding, you'd
better insert an explicit check for whether they're still alive after
unwinding the subtransaction (there's a function to make that easy).
We could probably build a mechanism to allow an error to be thrown
against a (sub)xact other than the innermost one, implicitly aborting
everything below that with extreme prejudice, but it seems like
overkill.  I can't but imagine that early versions of
parallel-anything will include "starting subtransactions" on the list
of activities which are prohibited in parallel mode.

Using the infrastructure provided by those patches, I was able to
write some test code, attached as pingpong-v1.patch.  You can make a
backend fire up a background worker, and the two will take turns
setting each others latches for a number of iterations you specify.
This could possibly be adapted into a regression test, if people think
it's valuable, but for the moment I'm just including it as a
demonstration of the functionality, not intended for commit.  Rather
gratifyingly, you can set a large iteration count and then interrupt
or terminate the foreground process, or terminate the background
process, and the other one goes away as well.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Attachment: terminate-worker-v1.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ephemeral-precious-v1.patch
Description: Binary data

Attachment: pingpong-v1.patch
Description: Binary data

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