On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 12:55 PM, Jeff Janes
<jeff.ja...@gmail.com<javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 6:59 AM, Heikki Linnakangas <
> hlinnakan...@vmware.com <javascript:_e({}, 'cvml',
> 'hlinnakan...@vmware.com');>> wrote:
>> Here's a rebased version of the patch, including the above-mentioned
>> fixes. Nothing else new.
> I've applied this to 0892ecbc015930d, the last commit to which it applies
> cleanly.
> When I test this by repeatedly incrementing a counter in a randomly chosen
> row, then querying the whole table and comparing the results to what my
> driver knows they should be, I get discrepancies.
> No crash/recovery needs to be done to get the behavior.
> The number of rows is correct, so one version of every row is visible, but
> it is sometimes the wrong version.
> The discrepancy arises shortly after the first time this type of message
> appears:
> 6930 UPDATE 2013-09-18 12:36:34.519 PDT:LOG:  started new XID range, XIDs
> 1000033-, MultiXIDs 1-, tentative LSN 0/FA517F8
> 6930 UPDATE 2013-09-18 12:36:34.519 PDT:STATEMENT:  update foo set
> count=count+1 where index=$1
> 6928 UPDATE 2013-09-18 12:36:34.521 PDT:LOG:  closed old XID range at
> 1000193 (LSN 0/FA58A08)
> 6928 UPDATE 2013-09-18 12:36:34.521 PDT:STATEMENT:  update foo set
> count=count+1 where index=$1
> I'll work on getting the driver to shutdown the database the first time it
> finds a problem so that autovac doesn't destroy evidence.

I have uploaded the script to reproduce, and a tarball of the data
directory (when started, it will go through recovery.  table "foo" is in
the jjanes database and role.)


The row with index=8499 should have count of 8, but really has count of 4,
and is only findable by seq scan, there is no such row by index scan.

select ctid,* from foo where index=8499;
select ctid,* from foo where index+0=8499;

select * from heap_page_items(get_raw_page('foo',37)) where lp=248 \x\g\x
Expanded display is on.
-[ RECORD 1 ]---------
lp          | 248
lp_off      | 8160
lp_flags    | 1
lp_len      | 32
t_xmin      | 2
t_xmax      | 0
t_field3    | 0
t_ctid      | (37,248)
t_infomask2 | 32770
t_infomask  | 10496
t_hoff      | 24
t_bits      |
t_oid       |

So the xmax is 0 when it really should not be.

What I really want to do is find the not-visible ctids which would have
8499 for index, but I don't know how to do that.



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