On 9/26/13 12:00 PM, Robert Haas wrote:
More generally, I fear we really opened a bag of worms with this
relation fork stuff.  Every time I turn around I run into a problem
that could be solved by adding another relation fork.  I'm not
terribly sure that it was a good idea to go that way to begin with,
because we've got customers who are unhappy about 3 files/heap due to
inode consumption and slow directory lookups.  I think we would have
been smarter to devise a strategy for storing the fsm and vm pages
within the main fork in some fashion, and I tend to think that's the
right solution here as well.  Of course, it may be hopeless to put the
worms back in the can at this point, and surely these indexes will be
lightly used compared to heaps, so it's not incrementally exacerbating
the problems all that much.  But I still feel uneasy about widening
use of that mechanism.

Why would we add additional code complexity when forks do the trick? That seems 
like a step backwards, not forward.

If the only complaint about forks is directory traversal why wouldn't we go 
with the well established practice of using multiple directories instead of 
glomming everything into one place?
Jim C. Nasby, Data Architect                       j...@nasby.net
512.569.9461 (cell)                         http://jim.nasby.net

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