> Pavel
> Hello,
> Sorry for the delay, here is the new patch. The \pset output will look
> like follow:
> postgres=# \pset
> Border style (border) is 1.
> Target width (columns) unset.
> Expanded display (expanded) is off.
> Field separator (fieldsep) is "|".
> Default footer (footer) is on.
> Output format (format) s aligned.
> Line style (linestyle) is ascii.
> Null display (null) is "".
> Locale-adjusted numeric output (numericlocale) is off.
> Pager (pager) is used for long output.
> Record separator (recordsep) is <newline>.
> Table attributes (tableattr) unset.
> Title (title) unset.
> Tuples only (tuples_only) is off.
> postgres=# \pset null #
> Null display (null) is "#".
> postgres=#
> This also mean that all translation strings of those messages should be
> updated.
> If we don't want to modify those messages, I can provide an other patch
> which print output as follow:
> postgres=# \pset
> border: Border style is 1.
> columns: Target width unset.
> expanded: Expanded display is off.
> fieldsep: Field separator is "|".
> footer: Default footer is on.
> format: Output format is aligned.
> linestyle: Line style is ascii.
> null: Null display is "".
> numericlocale: Locale-adjusted numeric output is off.
> pager: Pager is used for long output.
> recordsep: Record separator is <newline>.
> tableattr: Table attributes unset.
> title: Title unset.
> tuples_only: Tuples only is off.
> postgres=# \pset null #
> Null display is "#".
> postgres=#
> I think the first output is better but it need translation work. Let me
> know.
I prefer first output too



> Regards,
> --
> Gilles Darold
> Administrateur de bases de donnéeshttp://dalibo.com - http://dalibo.org

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