On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> * Reordering of value locks generally. I still need to ensure this
>> will behave reasonably at higher isolation levels (i.e. they'll get a
>> serialization failure). I think that Robert accepts that this isn't
>> inconsistent with read committed's documented behavior, and that it is
>> useful, and maybe even essential.
> I think there's a sentence missing here, or something.  Obviously, the
> behavior at higher isolation levels is neither consistent nor
> inconsistent with read committed's documented behavior; it's another
> issue entirely.

Here, "this" referred to the reordering concept generally. So I was
just saying that I'm not actually introducing any anomaly that is
described by the standard at read committed, and that at repeatable
read+, we can have actual serial ordering of value locks without
requiring them to last a long time, because we can throw serialization
failures, and can even do so when not strictly logically necessary.

>> * The basic question of whether or not it's possible to lock values
>> and rows at the same time, and if that matters (because it turns out
>> what looks like that isn't, because deleters will effectively lock
>> values without even touching an index). I think Robert saw the
>> difficulty of doing this, but it would be nice to get a definitive
>> answer. I think that any MERGE implementation worth its salt will not
>> deadlock without the potential for multiple rows to be locked in an
>> inconsistent order, so this shouldn't either, and as I believe I
>> demonstrated, value locks and row locks should not be held at the same
>> time for at least that reason. Right?
> Right.

I'm glad we're on the same page with that - it's a very important
consideration to my mind.

>> * The syntax. I like the composability, and the way it's likely to
>> become idiomatic to combine it with wCTEs. Others may not.
> I've actually lost track of what syntax you're proposing.

I'm continuing to propose:


with a much less interesting variant that could be jettisoned:


I'm also proposing extended RETURNING to make it work with this. So
the basic idea is that within Postgres, the idiomatic way to correctly
do upsert becomes something like:

postgres=# with r as (
insert into foo(a,b)
values (5, '!'), (6, '@')
on duplicate key lock for update
returning rejects *
update foo set b = r.b from r where foo.a = r.a;

>> * The visibility hacks that V4 is likely to have. The fact that
>> preserving the composable syntax may imply changes to
>> HeapTupleSatisfiesMVCC() so that rows locked but with no currently
>> visible version (under conventional rules) are visible to our snapshot
>> by virtue of having been locked all the same (this only matters at
>> read committed).
> I continue to think this is a bad idea.

Fair enough.

Is it just because of performance concerns? If so, that's probably not
that hard to address. It either has a measurable impact on performance
for a very unsympathetic benchmark or it doesn't. I guess that's the
standard that I'll be held to, which is probably fair.

Do you see the appeal of the composable syntax?

I appreciate that it's odd that serializable transactions now have to
worry about seeing something they shouldn't have seen (when they
conclusively have to go lock a row version not current to their
snapshot). But that's simpler than any of the alternatives that I see.
Does there really need to be a new snapshot type with one tiny
difference that apparently doesn't actually affect conventional
clients of MVCC snapshots?

Peter Geoghegan

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