On Mon, Oct 14, 2013 at 5:24 PM, Kohei KaiGai <kai...@kaigai.gr.jp> wrote:
>>> And, I also want some comments from committers, not only from mine.
>> +1
> +1

/me pokes head up.  I know I'm going to annoy people with this
comment, but I feel like it's going to have to be made at some point
by somebody, so here goes: I don't see the point of this feature.  If
you want a trigger on a table, why not set it on the remote side?  A
trigger on the foreign table won't be enforced consistently; it'll
only work when the update is routed through the foreign table, not
when people access the underlying table on the remote side through any
other mechanism.  The number of useful things you can do this way
seems fairly small.  Perhaps you could use a row-level trigger for
RLS, to allow only certain rows on the foreign side to be updated, but
even that seems like a slightly strange design: generally it'd be
better to enforce the security as close to the target object as

There's another issue that concerns me here also: performance.  IIUC,
an update of N tuples on the remote side currently requires N+1 server
round-trips.  That is unspeakably awful, and we really oughta be
looking for ways to make that number go down, by pushing the whole
update to the remote side.  But obviously that won't be possible if
there's a per-row trigger that has to be evaluated on the local side.
Now, assuming somebody comes up with code that implements that
optimization, we can just disable it when there are local-side
triggers.  But, then you're back to having terrible performance.  So
even if the use case for this seemed really broad, I tend to think
performance concerns would sink most of the possible real-world uses.

I could, of course, be all wet....

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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