On 18 October 2013 16:41, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 1:34 AM, Dean Rasheed <dean.a.rash...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>>> Personally, I think this is too fancy anyway.  I'd just complete all
>>> views and foreign tables and be done with it.  We don't inspect
>>> permissions either, for example.  This might be too confusing for users.
>> Yeah, I think you're probably right.
> I tend to agree.  When the rules were simple (i.e. pretty much nothing
> was updateable) it might have made sense to make tab completion hew to
> them, but they're complex enough now that I think it no longer does.
> There are now three different ways that a view can be updateable
> (auto, trigger, rule) and the rules are complex.
> Based on that it sounds like we need a new version of this patch.  If
> that's not going to happen RSN, we should mark this returned with
> feedback and it can be resubmitted if and when someone finds the time
> to update it.

OK, here's a new version that just completes with all tables, views
and foreign tables.

Doing this makes the insert, update and delete queries all the same,
which means there's not much point in keeping all three, so I've just
kept Query_for_list_of_updatables for use with INSERT, UPDATE and


Attachment: tab_complete.v3.patch
Description: Binary data

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