
2013/10/25 Hugo Mercier <hugo.merc...@oslandia.com>

> Hi all,
> The Oslandia team is involved in PostGIS project for years, with a
> current focus on PostGIS 3D support.
> With PostGIS queries, nested functions calls that manipulate geometries
> are quite common, e.g.: SELECT ST_Union(ST_Intersection(a.geom,
> ST_Buffer(b.geom, 50)))
> PostGIS functions that manipulate geometries have to unserialize their
> input geometries from the 'flat' varlena representation to their own,
> and serialize the processed geometries back when returning.
> But in such nested call queries, this serialization-unserialization
> process is just an overhead.
> Avoiding it could then lead to a real gain in terms of performances [1],
> especially here when the internal type takes time to serialize (and with
> new PostGIS types like rasters or 3D geometries it's really meaningful)
> So we thought having a way for user functions to know if they are part
> of a nested call could allow them to avoid this serialization phase.
> The idea would be to have a boolean flag reachable from a user function
> (within FunctionCallInfoData) that says if the current function is
> nested or not.
> We already investigated such a modification and here is where we are up
> to now :
>   - we modified the parser with a new boolean member 'nested' to the
> FuncExpr struct. Within the parser, we know if a function call is nested
> into another one and then we can mark the FuncExpr
>   - the executor has been modified so it can take into account this
> nested member and pass it to the FunctionCallInfoData structure before
> evaluating the function
> We are working on a PostGIS branch that takes benefit of this
> functionality [2]
> You can find in attachment a first draft of the patch.
> Obviously, even if this is about a PostGIS use case here, this subject
> could be helpful for every other queries using both nested functions and
> serialization.
> I am quite new to postgresql hacking, so I'm sure there is room for
> improvements. But, what about this first proposal ?

I am not sure, if this solution is enough - what will be done if I store
some values in PL/pgSQL variables?



> I'll be at the PGDay conf in Dublin next week, so we could discuss this
> topic.
> [1] Talking about performances, we already investigated such
> "pass-by-reference" mechanism with PostGIS. Taking a dummy function
> "st_copy" that only copies its input geometry to its output with 4
> levels of nesting gives encouraging results (passing geometries by
> reference is more than 2x faster than (un)serializing) :
> https://github.com/Oslandia/sfcgal-tests/blob/master/bench/report_serialization_referenced_vs_native.pdf
> [2] https://github.com/Oslandia/postgis/tree/nested_ref_passing
> --
> Hugo Mercier
> Oslandia
> --
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