> > Agree that windowing function will return all the rows compared to max
> and
> > group by returing only max rows per group. But even while arriving at the
> > aggregate/sorting windowing function seems to spend more effort than
> group
> > by/order by.
> (I'll apologise in advance for possible misreading..)
> The most cause of the difference in time comes from sorting. Over
> 90% of total execution time has elapsed while sorting
> (49ms->2733ms) for the one using windowing function. If this sort
> were useless, the execution time would be less than 300 ms -
> seems comparable enough to group-by query.
> I will agree with you on this point.

> | Subquery Scan on __unnamed_subquery_0
> |          (actual time=2606.075..2953.937 rows=558 loops=1)
> |   Filter: (__unnamed_subquery_0.rn = 1)
> |   ->  WindowAgg  (actual time=2606.063..2928.061 rows=122880 loops=1)
> |         ->  Sort (actual time=2606.020..2733.677 rows=122880 loops=1)
> |               Sort Key: student_score.course, student_score.score
> |               ->  Seq Scan on student_score
> |                   (actual time=0.009..49.026 rows=122880 loops=1)
> As you see in above plan, sorting key is (course, score). If your
> point is the overall performance but not reusing a kind of
> 'hash', there's a big chance to eliminate this sorting if you are
> able to have an additional index, say,
> =# create index idx_co_sc on student_score using btree (course, score);
> With this index, you will get a different plan like this,
> Exactly my point, can we look at making windowing functions smart and make
use of available indexes?

> > uniontest=# explain analyze select student_name from (select
> student_name, dense_rank() over(partition by course order by score) rn,
> score from student_score) rnn where rn=2;
> >                                       QUERY PLAN
> >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >  Subquery Scan on rnn  (actual time=0.088..319.403 rows=135 loops=1)
> >    Filter: (rnn.rn = 2)
> >    Rows Removed by Filter: 122746
> >    ->  WindowAgg  (actual time=0.037..296.851 rows=122881 loops=1)
> >          ->  Index Scan using idx_co_sc on student_score
> >            (actual time=0.027..111.333 rows=122881 loops=1)
> >  Total runtime: 319.483 ms
> Does this satisfies your needs?
> Not exactly. If I have missed to mention, this is not a production issue
for me. I am trying to see if PostgreSQL planner produces best plans for
Data Warehouse and mining oriented queries.

> =======
> > Another thing, (I may be stupid and naive here) does PostgreSQL
> > re-uses the hash which has been already created for sort. In
> > this case the inner query must have created a hash for windoing
> > aggregate. Can't we use that same one while applying the the
> > filter "rn=1" ?
> Generally saying, hashes cannot yield ordered output by its
> nature, I believe.
> I think Hashes can be efficiently used for sorting (and I believe they are
used for joins too when a pre-sorted data set is not available via
indexes). This again could my misinterpretation.

Windowing function (execnode) always receives tuples sequentially
> in the window-defined order (as you see in the explained plan
> above) then processes the tuples in semi tuple-by-tuple manner to
> perform per-frame aggregaion, and finally outputs tuples of the
> same number to input. And furthermore, dense_rank() doesn't even
> need per-frame aggregations. So none of the planners so far seems
> to have chance to use a kind of hash tables to culculate/execute
> windowing fucntions. On the another point, automatically
> preserving some internal data within a query beyond the end of
> the query brings in 'when to discard it?' problem.
> I lost you somewhere here. My be this is above my pay-grade :-)
Well, at least with Oracle and DB2 planners I have seen that the plan
produced with dense_rank performs better than a series of nested SELECT


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