> Another point to add: I don't really see btree as a barrier to
> performance for most of the problems I face.  The real barriers to
> database performance are storage, contention, and query planning.

Ehm that's true for regular OLTP stuff, which I understand is what most (95%?) 
of people use/need. But if you try to insert rows into a 50M table with a 
couple of indexes, btrees just can't keep up. 
Of course, you can't have it all: fast at big table insertion, good contention, 
good query times... 

> Postgres btreee indexes are pretty fast and for stuff like bulk
> insertions there are some optimization techniques available (such as
> sharding or create index concurrently).

At the moment I'm relying on partitioning + creating indexes in bulk on 
"latest" table (the partitioning is based on time). But that means K*log(N) 
search times (where K is the number of partitions).
That's why I gave a look at these different indexing mechanisms.

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