On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:

> > > DELETE FROM users_sessions WHERE changed < ('now'::timestamp - '1440
> > > minutes'::interval)  AND name = 'fhnid';
> >
> > What does EXPLAIN show as the plan for that query?  I'm guessing an
> > indexscan, and that the error was caused by reading a broken item
> > pointer from the index.  (1342198864 = hex 50005450, which sure looks
> > like the upper 5 shouldn't be there ... how big is the table, anyway?)
> Index Scan using users_sessions_cha_name_idx on users_sessions
> (cost=0.00..12738.07 rows=1275 width=6) (actual time=231.74..239.39 rows=2
> loops=1)
> Total runtime: 239.81 msec
> The size of the table:
> canaveral# ls -al 44632
> -rw-------  1 pgsql  pgsql  357130240 Sep 19 18:52 44632

This seems remarkably large. Does pg_filedump reveal anything of interest?


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