On 11/10/2013 09:41 AM, Andres Freund wrote:
Still give me the following:
update  disorder.do_inventory set ii_in_stock=2 where ii_id=251;
test1=# LOG:  tuple in table with oid: 35122 without primary key
Hm. Could it be that you still have an older "test_decoding" plugin
lying around? The current one doesn't contain that string
anymore. That'd explain the problems.
In v6.4 the output plugin API was changed that plain heaptuples are
passed for the "old" key, although with non-key columns set to
NULL. Earlier it was a "index tuple" as defined by the indexes

Grrr, yah that was the problem I had compiled but not installed the newer plugin. Sorry.

a) The table does have a primary key
b) I don't get anything in the old key when I was expecting all the rows
c)  If I change the table to use the pkey index with
alter table disorder.do_inventory  replica identity using index

The LOG message on the update goes away but the output of the test decoder
plugin goes back to

table "do_inventory": UPDATE: ii_id[int8]:251 ii_in_stock[int8]:5
ii_reserved[int8]:144 ii_total_sold[int8]:911

Which I suspect means oldtuple is back to null
Which is legitimate though, if you don't update the primary (or
explicitly chosen candidate) key. Those only get logged if there's
actual changes in those columns.
Makes sense?
Is the expectation that plugin writters will call
to figure out what the identity key is.

How do we feel about having the decoder logic populate change.oldtuple with the identity on UPDATE statements when it is null? The logic I have now is to use oldtuple if it is not null, otherwise go figure out which columns from the identiy key we should be using. I think most plugins that do anything useful with an update will need to duplicate that


Andres Freund

  Andres Freund                    http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
  PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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