On 11/14/2013 12:09 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com> wrote:
>> On 11/13/2013 06:45 AM, Merlin Moncure wrote:> I'm not so sure we should
>> require hstore to do things like build
>>> Also, json_object is pretty weird to me, I'm not sure I see the
>>> advantage of a new serialization format, and I don't agree with the
>>> statement "but it is the caller's reponsibility to ensure that keys
>>> are not repeated.".
>> This is pretty standard in the programming languages I know of which use
>> JSON.
>>> I think the caller should have no such
>>> responsibility.  Keys should be able to repeated.
>> Apparently your experience with using JSON in practice has been fairly
>> different from mine; the projects I work on, the JSON is being
>> constantly converted back and forth to hashes and dictionaries, which
>> means that ordering is not preserved and keys have to be unique (or
>> become unique within one conversion cycle).  I think, based on the
>> language of the RFC and common practice, that it's completely valid for
>> us to require unique keys within JSON-manipulation routines.
> Common practice?  The internet is littered with complaints about
> documents being spontaneously re-ordered and or de-duplicated in
> various stacks.  Other stacks provide mechanisms for explicit key
> order handling (see here: http://docs.python.org/2/library/json.html).
>   Why do you think they did that?
> I use pg/JSON all over the place.  In several cases I have to create
> documents with ordered keys because the parser on the other side wants
> them that way -- this is not a hypothetical argument.  The current
> json serialization API handles that just fine and the hstore stuff
> coming down the pike will not.  
I guess we should not replace current JSON type with hstore based
one, but add something json-like based on nested hstore instead.

Maybe call it jsdoc or jdoc or jsobj or somesuch.

For some time I was also pretty perplexed by by some PostgreSQL JSON
type discussions where JSON was not really being a defined as
the the type constructed from its string representation, and even not
a string which results from serialising an existing javascript object,
but rather a source code, which can be parsed into a structured type.

So PostgreSQL "json" type is *not* a structured type like hstore is but
is really a string type with a few syntax checks.

Some of the json_* functions are then defined on top of this
"json-source" type which treat this source as if it were actual
structured type.

It is kind of defining an "int-notation" type, which acts like an integer
when added to another integer, but is required to  also keep its original

select '1+1'::"int-notation" + 2;
==> 4
select '1+1'::"int-notation"
==> 1+1

> I guess that's a done deal based on
> 'performance'.  I'm clearly not the only one to have complained about
> this though.
I am pretty sure we can not move to internal object representation and
preserve the current 'json source" behaviour.

this is why I recommend not replacing json, but rather adding another
for real structured type.

then you can keep using current json for the earlier-quoted uses of
"processing instructions" and do real data manipulation on jsdoc/jsobj type.

Also most of the current json functions should also be moved to work on
jsobj instead with explicit cast from json to jsobj


Hannu Krosing
PostgreSQL Consultant
Performance, Scalability and High Availability
2ndQuadrant Nordic OÜ

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