(2013/11/19 3:56), Peter Geoghegan wrote:
On Mon, Nov 18, 2013 at 10:49 AM, Fujii Masao <masao.fu...@gmail.com> wrote:
The same idea was proposed before but not committed because
Itagaki thought that pg_stat_statements view should report only raw values.
Please read the following thread. I have the same feeling with him.
Anyway we should listen to more opinions from other people, though.
I confirmed that Itagaki-san and Mr Cerdic disscution. He said that raw values be just simple. However, were his changes just simple? I cannot understand his aesthetics sense and also you, too:-(

PG8.4 before:
012 CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(
013     OUT userid oid,
014     OUT dbid oid,
015     OUT query text,
016     OUT calls int8,
017     OUT total_time float8,
018     OUT rows int8
019 )

PG9.0 after:
012 CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(
013     OUT userid oid,
014     OUT dbid oid,
015     OUT query text,
016     OUT calls int8,
017     OUT total_time float8,
018     OUT rows int8,
019     OUT shared_blks_hit int8,
020     OUT shared_blks_read int8,
021     OUT shared_blks_written int8,
022     OUT local_blks_hit int8,
023     OUT local_blks_read int8,
024     OUT local_blks_written int8,
025     OUT temp_blks_read int8,
026     OUT temp_blks_written int8
027 )
It's too complicated, and do you know how to tuning PG from information of local_* and temp_*? At least, I think that most user cannot tuning from these information, and it might not be useful information only part of them.

+1 from me. I think that a higher level tool needs to be built on
pg_stat_statements to make things easy for those that want a slick,
pre-packaged solution.
No. It's not for geek tools and people having pre-packaged solution in big company, but also for common DBA tools.

By the way, MySQL and Oracle database which are very popular have these statistics. I think that your argument might disturb people who wants to migration from these database and will accelerate popularity of these database more.

As I said on the min/max thread, if we're not
doing enough to help people who would like to build such a tool, we
should discuss how we can do better.
Could you tell me how to get min/max statistics with low cost?
I'm not sure about detail of your patch in CF, but it seems very high cost.
Repeatedly, I think that if we want to get drastic detail statistics, we have to create another tools of statistics. Your patch will be these statistics tools. However, pg_stat_statement sholud be just light weight.

Mitsumasa KONDO
NTT Open Source Software Center

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