On Thu, Nov 14, 2013 at 5:26 PM, Andres Freund <and...@2ndquadrant.com>wrote:

> But for that the receiving side needs to know up to where changes have
> been applied. One relatively easy solution for that is that the
> receiving side does something like:
> UPDATE replication_progress SET lsn = '0/10000600' WHERE source_id = ...;
> before the end of every replayed transaction. But that obviously will
> quickly cause bloat.
> Our solution to that is that a replaying process can tell the backend
> that it is currently doing so and setup three variables for every
> transaction:

This is a pretty massive design decision to hinge on such a minor
implementation detail of table bloat (which I don't think would actually be
an issue anyway -- isn't that what we have HOT for?)

Fundamentally the question here is where to keep all the book-keeping state
about replicas, in a central repository in the master or locally in each
replica. At first blush it seems obvious to me that locally in each replica
is the more flexible choice.

Replication systems become complex when you start restoring from old
backups and not every node has the same view of the topology as every other
node. I fear what will happen to a central repository when you fail over
the master and it's out of sync with where the slaves have actually
restored up to. Or where you fail over a slave to a standby of the slave
and it needs to redo some of the logical replication to catch up. Or where
you restore all your nodes, both master and slaves from backups taken at
different points in time (presumably with the master ahead of the slaves).

Having a central repository makes the whole system simpler but it also
makes it much more fragile. It's nice to have a single place to go to find
out what the state of every replica is but it should do that by actually
asking the replicas, not by maintaining state that might be out of sync.


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