On 12/03/2013 03:02 PM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
On Tue, Dec 3, 2013 at 11:44 PM, Josh Berkus <j...@agliodbs.com

    Would certainly be nice.  Realistically, getting good automated
    performace tests will require paying someone like Greg S., Mark or me
    for 6 solid months to develop them, since worthwhile open source
    performance test platforms currently don't exist.  That money has never
    been available; maybe I should do a kickstarter.

So in order to get *testing* we need to pay somebody. But to build a
great database server, we can rely on volunteer efforts or sponsorship
from companies who are interested in moving the project forward? That
hardly seems right...  Either it's just not high enough on peoples
priority lists (in which case you're not likely to get anybody to
actually pay for it either), or there is some other reason why people
just don't care. Figuring that out would probably be a pre-requisite to
get it done. But sure - I'm all for trying a kickstarter. Did anybody
ever try that for an actual postgres feature? Didn't JD and/or cmd
and/or pgus at some point try something like that?

We had our own launched thing that was called FOSSExperts. It wasn't that successful but it is what started the foreign keys project. That said, something like KickStarter (or one of the other ones) would have a lot more exposure.


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