On Mon, 2013-12-02 at 15:44 -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> How are we going to handle new keywords
> being added in new major versions?  A pg_dump of the extension template
> script is then going to be loaded into the new major version but will
> not actually be able to be run because it'll error out...

Elsewhere in the thread you argued that the version of an extension
should be preserved across dump/reload. Surely a given version of the
extension corresponds to a specific set of SQL commands (specifically,
the SQL text blob on PGXN), so it *should* error out.

Otherwise you end up with a weird situation where upgrading a 9.4
install to 9.5 allows you to keep version 1.2 of some extension, but 1.2
won't install directly to 9.5. (By the way, I think this is a problem
with pg_upgrade currently.)

You're fighting pretty hard against text blobs, but at the same time
saying that we should be able to fully make use of existing PGXN
extensions, which contain text blobs of SQL. And extension authors are
versioning their SQL blobs, not some abstract concepts internal to
postgres and the catalogs.

Just because we start with blobs from PGXN doesn't mean we need to use
blobs everywhere; but I think you're too quick to rule them out.

        Jeff Davis

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