>>>>> "Tom" == Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> writes:

 Tom> Not wanting to consider the sort args when there's more than one
 Tom> doesn't square with forcing them to be considered when there's
 Tom> just one.  It's the same aggregate after all,

This logic is only applied in the patch to aggregates that _aren't_

(thinking out loud:) It might be more consistent to also add the
condition that the single sort column not be a variadic arg. And/or
the condition that it be the same type as the result. Or have a flag
in pg_aggregate to say "this agg returns one of its sorted input
values, so preserve the collation".

 >> Consider a construct like:

 >> select max(common_val)
 >> from (select mode() within group (order by textcol) as common_val
 >> from ... group by othercol) s;

 Tom> AFAICT none of the SQL-spec aggregates expose the kind of case
 Tom> I'm worried about, because none of the ones that can take
 Tom> multiple sort columns have a potentially collatable return type.

None of the spec's ordered-set functions expose any collation issue at
all, because they _all_ have non-collatable return types, period.

The problem only arises from the desire to make functions like
percentile_disc and mode applicable to collatable types.

Andrew (irc:RhodiumToad)

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