On Wed, December 11, 2013 22:51, AK wrote:
> The following url seems to be slightly incorrect:
> http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/sql-prepare.html
> PREPARE usrrptplan (int) AS
>     SELECT * FROM users u, logs l WHERE u.usrid=$1 AND u.usrid=l.usrid
>     AND l.date = $2;
> EXECUTE usrrptplan(1, current_date);
> I guess the first line of the example should be:
> PREPARE usrrptplan (int, date) AS
> What do you think?

read the next line:

"Note that the data type of the second parameter is not specified, so it is 
inferred from the context in which $2 is used."

(So the example is correct as is)

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