Hi all

I'd like to outline a path toward getting row-security into core.
Comments / discussion appreciated.

I think I/we need to:

- Finish and commit updatable security barrier views. I've still got a
lot of straightening out to do there.

- Add an attribute to portals that stores the user ID at the time the
portal was planned. Possibly extensibly; I'd be surprised if we won't
need to associate other local info with a portal later.

- Allow storage of the pre-rewrite query plan and let saved plans be
marked as needing rewrite when replanned. We'll need this to permit some
users (initially just a hardcoded "superuser"; later by posession of a
certain right) to be totally exempt from row-security policy.
(Alternative: store separate with- and without-row-security plan trees
and pick which we use).

- Decide on and implement a structure for row-security functionality its
self. I'm persuaded by Robert's comments here, that whatever we expose
must be significantly more usable than a DIY on top of views (with the
fix for updatable security barrier views to make that possible). I
outlined the skeleton of a possible design in my earlier post, with the
heirachical and non-heirachical access labels. Should be implemented
using the same API we expose for extensions (like SEPostgresql RLS).

- Produce and commit a patch that adds the C API for row-security,
including calls to make it easy to wrap any relation in a dynamically
created or stored updatable security barrier subquery during rewrite.

- Produce and commit a patch series implementing the syntax, catalog
tables / catalog changes, documentation, etc for row-security that uses
this C API and commit it to core.

SEPostgreSQL RLS can then be built on top of the same API, using the
same core support.


 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

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